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34 results - showing 11 - 20
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THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) MV Mr. V. Jayakumar* and Dr. A. Subramanian**   Updated February 28, 2020 666 0 0 0 1 0
Ernest Hemingway is a very direct, intentional writer. He is also very subtle in his intentions and allusions, but that is not something that is quite American to most...
3.6 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MS Ms. Sejal Pancholi   Updated June 04, 2020 681 0 0 0 1 0


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The paper to be presented focuses on two texts When Dreams Travel and The Palace of Illusions of Githa Hariharan and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni respectively from the perspective of...
3.6 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MS Ms. Shobiyaa. V* and Dr. K. Srinivasan**   Updated June 03, 2020 711 0 0 0 1 0


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Atwood who is famous for depicting themes of betrayal and treachery through the creation of strong victimized women characters, produces a vivid set of possibilities with the women of...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) DM Dr. M. K. Gayathri Devi   Updated June 03, 2020 676 0 0 0 1 0


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Existence for humans seems to be something imposed by an unknown force. It is hard to find an apparent meaning for their suffering. The human beings in their chaotic...
3.4 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) DJ Dr. Jeevan S. Masure   Updated June 03, 2020 776 0 0 0 1 0


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Mahesh Elkunchwar looks at the world with sympathy. The present play is the result of his seven years observation on the happenings in the aristocratic families in small places...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MV Ms. V. Anuradha* and Dr. R. Pushkala**   Updated June 03, 2020 568 0 0 0 1 0


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Empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns of this era. In reality women empowerment is still an illusion. Though the main purpose for women empowerment...
3.4 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MJ Ms. J. Margaret   Updated June 03, 2020 572 0 0 0 1 0


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Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) ,one of the most famous playwrights of the twentieth Century truly excels in creating highly striking feminine characters. This paper seeks to highlight the character of...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) DG Dr. Gaurav Deep   Updated June 03, 2020 607 0 0 0 1 0


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V. S. Naipaul, a Caribbean writer of Indian ancestry is a renowned travelogue writer. He has travelled all across the globe and has written prolifically. He travelled India thrice...
3.3 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) DM Dr. Mamnimozhi Sayeekumar   Updated March 17, 2020 614 0 0 0 1 0


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Communication is the essence of our day to day life , which is a known fact in this routine world. But, can we imagine a world without any name,...
3.7 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MD Mrs. Deepalakshmi. S* and Dr. K. Sundararajan**   Updated June 02, 2020 666 0 0 0 1 0


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Arun Joshi has focused not on social or political problems but on the subterranean layers of man’s innermost. He was one of the most significant contemporary Indian novelists in...
3.3 (1)
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