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THE ENGLISH INDIA / ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634 (Print) SP Sambit Panigrahi   Updated January 25, 2020 1015 0 0 0 1 0


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The novel, Conrad’s magnum opus, not only exhibits the derogatory and disdainful attitude that Conrad’s colonial characters harbor towards Nature; but also elicits the anti-Nature principles of Western philosophy....
3.4 (1)
THE ENGLISH INDIA / ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634 (Print) GS G. Sankar   Updated January 25, 2020 725 0 0 0 1 0


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This paper addresses racism and white privilege in America. Racism is generally discriminatory policy and behavior aimed at oppressing nonwhites whereas white privilege is the advantage gained by whites...
3.4 (1)
THE ENGLISH INDIA / ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634 (Print) MB Maryam Bahadorfar   Updated January 25, 2020 753 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
Along with development of information technology and its important applications in educational, the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has developed significantly during the past decades and an...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH INDIA / ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634 (Print) GV G. Varalakshmi   Updated January 25, 2020 760 0 0 0 1 0


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Education is to bring out the best that already exists in human beings. It is to prepare the students to face the diversified tasks of life. Integration of technology...
3.4 (1)
THE ENGLISH INDIA / ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634 (Print) VS Vijaylaxmi Shivmurthi Prashene   Updated January 25, 2020 722 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
Communication plays a vital role in our lives, both at professional and personal levels. To be an influential communicator one needs to develop all the skills i.e. listening, speaking,...
3.4 (1)
THE ENGLISH INDIA / ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634 (Print) DM Dr. M. Jesa   Updated January 25, 2020 694 0 0 0 1 0


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India 2020 envisions “a nation that is prosperous, healthy, devoid of terrorism, peaceful, happy and continues with a sustainable growth path” as its 9th pillar, the country being the...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MC Ms. C. Neenadevi   Updated June 03, 2020 825 0 0 0 1 0


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The theme of the article is the identity crisis of the female protagonist in the novel “Des fourmis dans la bouche” written by Khadidjatou Hane. This novel speaks about...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MV Mr. V. Jayakumar* and Dr. A. Subramanian**   Updated June 03, 2020 695 0 0 0 1 0


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A Farewell to Arms was published in 1929 by Ernest Hemingway, a Nobel Prize-winning American author. This novel is semi-autobiographical. Like the protagonist, Hemingway served in the Italian Army...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) DJ Dr. Jessy Mani   Updated June 03, 2020 712 0 0 0 1 0


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The present article deals with the need of the women in the Asian continent to articulate and express themselves. Traditionally women in Asia are generally seen as passive, submissive...
3.3 (1)
THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MS Ms. S. Chitra   Updated June 03, 2020 733 0 0 0 1 0


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This paper depicts the progress of women writers in Indian writing in English. Women writers come forward and write about their own sex. Women are oppressed by male dominated...
3.4 (1)
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