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17 results - showing 11 - 17
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THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print) MK Ms. Keerti Shibu   Updated May 31, 2020 634 0 0 0 1 0


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The tradition of English Teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable entry of technology. Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as collection of tools that...
3.4 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) FD Fr. D. Sunder Reddy   Updated February 04, 2020 637 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
Writing has been one of the aspects to be considered as literate, educated, cultured and civilized. The act of writing is very essential in conveying meaning to the other....
3.4 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) MS Ms. Smruti Chaudhari   Updated March 13, 2020 597 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
Mvies based on the texts that are read in class are an interesting way of making sure educators develop the skills that Dial-Driver enlists. The major reason why movies...
3.6 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) DP Dr. Pechetty S V R Babu   Updated March 13, 2020 539 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
The Nature and applications of computer technology continue to expand rapidly the range of resources available for any subject – specific learning. The present century is rightly called the...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) MS Ms. Sharmin Siddique   Updated March 13, 2020 588 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
Since 1980 literature has generated great interest in a foreign or second language class. (Rush: 73) Some instructors consider that incorporation of literature in the language classes will interrupt...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) DH Dr. Harish Handa   Updated January 18, 2020 588 0 0 0 1 0
The demographic trend combined with changes in the old values, higher mobility of the young and the decline in joint family system is creating an explosive situation for the elderly...
3.4 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) MD Ms. D. Ramadevi   Updated January 18, 2020 485 0 0 0 1 0
As we all know that the increasing in globalization requires a heterogeneous workforce culture, such as diverse backgrounds, diverse work cultures, beliefs, race, age, and experience, so on. Rather before...
3.3 (1)
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