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224 results - showing 81 - 90
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THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) SS Smt. Saraswathi K.P. and Dr. M. Devaraju   Updated March 07, 2020 587 0 0 0 1 0
Protecting the interest of farmers is very important in any country basically to have sustainable economy and food security. India is a developing country around 60–70 percent of Indian...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) MR Ms. R. Thilakavathi* and Dr. P. Nadimuthu**   Updated March 07, 2020 641 0 0 0 1 0
Women empowerment is a process in which women challenge the existing norms and culture, to effectively promote their well-being. The participation of women in Self Help Groups (SHGs) made...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) DM Dr. M. Krishnaveni * and Mrs. D. Rupadevi **   Updated March 06, 2020 604 0 0 0 1 1
Advertising is considered as one of the main tools of marketing management. It is the most effective way to reach most of the children and encourage them to buy...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) DM Dr. M. Amaravathi   Updated March 05, 2020 578 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
The idea of a cooperative movement has its genesis in the west the evolution of cooperatives was occasioned by vast economic and political changes, which took place in the...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) DH Dr. Hitendra H Vyas   Updated March 14, 2020 757 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
In most of the plays of Shakespeare there are clowns or fools and they appear to be synonymous terms. There is, however, a distinction between a clown and a...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) *C *KAVERAMMA C H, **ABHISHEK. P and ***VIGNESH.M   Updated March 16, 2020 910 0 0 0 1 0
’A study on digital disruptions in education technology and its impact on higher education’’’A study on digital disruptions in education technology and its impact on higher education’’Education plays a...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) *S *MS. SHEETHAL BHEEMAIAH, **RANJITH. S and ***NANDINI. R   Updated March 12, 2020 700 0 0 0 1 0
Education is the process of facilitating, learning and acquiring knowledge, skill, value and beliefs. The Success of a student depends on teachers and the innovations method they adopt in...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) DD Dr. D. Arumugam   Updated March 12, 2020 720 0 0 0 1 0


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The famous lord siva temple here. It was created by Rajaraja cholan. in that name as Alanduraiyar Temple. One of the Avatar of parasuram was came to that temple....
3.6 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) MK Ms. K.L. Rajashree   Updated March 12, 2020 672 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates some function with its derivatives. Many fundamental laws of physics and chemistry can be formulated as differential equations. In biology...
3.7 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) G Guest   Updated March 11, 2020 597 0 0 0 1 0


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The paper concentrated a woman protagonist Mary Turner who is affected in the violence of patriarchal society and it explores on Lessing’s first semi autobiographical novel The Grass is...
3.7 (1)
224 results - showing 81 - 90
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