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64 results - showing 61 - 64
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THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print) MM Ms. Ms. Pooja Jain   Updated January 19, 2020 594 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
In the wake of existing employability crisis; a huge skill gap, that is haunting young graduates in the present era of rapidly changing complex business and technological scenario soft...
3.3 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) myusermyuser   Updated March 17, 2020 512 0 0 0 1 0


Banking industry is the fastest growing financial services sector. It provides innumerable services including various types of financial services to customers in return for payments in one form or another....
3.6 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) DM Dr. M. Rabindranath   Updated January 18, 2020 523 0 0 0 1 0


Publication Year
During the last two decades major changes have taken across the world in the Media corporate business management. These days it became synonymous, like any other business industry the main...
3.4 (1)
THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print) MK Mr. Katta Ashok Kumar   Updated January 14, 2020 571 0 0 0 1 0
The purpose of this empirical study is to examine not only informativeness, joyfulness, and trust as the key factors of the effects of Internet shopping mall's initial web page image...
3.4 (1)
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