A special library is a library that provides specialized information resources on a particular subject, serves and delivers specialized services. Special libraries are far different from academic and public libraries. Special libraries include corporate libraries, government libraries, law, ancient ayurvedic libraries, museum libraries, news libraries. Mostly Professors, Research Scholars and Scientists utilize these special libraries. A corporate library is a collection of resources limited the corporate libraries help to organize and disseminate information throughout the organization for its own benefit. Law libraries are designed to assist law students, attorneys, judges, and their law clerks, and other individuals conducting legal research including members of the general public. Medical libraries, also known as hospital libraries or health libraries, are designed to support the needs of physicians, health professionals, medical researchers, medical students, And interested in the medical field. Military libraries, Transportation libraries, Museum Libraries, Music Libraries etc come under special libraries. We have to remember that changes, crises and difficulties open up new opportunities. The wise librarians keep their eyes, ears and minds open to look and identify new opportunities. Keywords: special library, information resources, specialized services, ancient ayurvedic libraries, new opportunities