This paper depicts the mentality of the Indian people towards women who are always anticipated to be a stick to them to make use for all the purpose. They are even expected to bean acquiescent, docile, sheepish and even cringing housewife. Women are...This paper depicts the mentality of the Indian people towards women who are always anticipated to be a stick to them to make use for all the purpose. They are even expected to bean acquiescent, docile, sheepish and even cringing housewife. Women are still reckoned to be the property of their men, if married, and of fathers, if unmarried. There is no talking about the way in which women are manipulated and controlled by men and by male-oriented society. One of our favorite views is that woman is an embodiment of sexual pleasure. It also expresses the feelings, thoughts, experiences and the struggles and sufferings of the Indian women. It also limns the incessant battle of women and invulnerable for scratching their identity in this vicious, blimpish, fusty and male-dominating society. It means to create a modern-day environment and to face demanding situations as a woman.
Keywords: Indian people, cringing housewife, male-oriented society, male-dominating society, modern-day environment etc.
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