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Students Perceptions of the Motivating Teaching Strategies in ESP Classes by snowdrop1358 in THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SPECIALIST / ISSN: 2350-1499 (Online); 2350-0751 (Print)

snowdrop1358 Updated
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Numerous studies have examined the significance of motivation in learning English as a Foreign/Second Language. With respect to the significant effect of motivation on language learning, the present study aimed at identifying the students perception of motivating teaching strategies in ESP classrooms. Seventy five ESP students completed a questionnaire to analyse their perceptions on the most and the least motivational teaching strategies. The results showed that the top three most motivational macrostrategies are related to teacher-specific motivational components and the least motivating strategies are mainly related to assignments and group activities. The results of the study provide guidelines that may help to raise students' motivation as well as to improve the status of ESP teaching in general.

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