To reach the ultimate aim ino reach the ultimate aim ingaining linguistic skills, readingpractice undeniably retainsunique status in acquiring facts,ideas, theories, views, lessonsrelated to several disciplines. Inthe current scenario, the education system seems tohave insufficient and inadequate practices inpromoting reading habits among students in anESL classes. Unfortunately, the term ‘reading’ hasbeen interpreted or say almost ‘exploited’ andreinterpreted with a ‘systematic’ assumption bymany of the students. Lack of reading proveshazardous in maintaining sustainable growth anddevelopment in second language acquisition. Thispractice, as being the most reverential step inhuman language development needs an urgency of revival through a well-defined strategy by therevival through a well-defined strategy by thecurriculum designers by not concentrating simplyupon testifying the skills of memorization of thestudents but by making its resourceful applicationsfor a profitable and sustainable growth of astudent. The essence of practical approach inresponse to the planned reading modules can standsignificant in promotion of the reading culture. Thepresent write-up concentrates on highlightingcertain theories, methods, strategies, practices, andexperiments on enhancing the reading habits ofESL learners.Key Words: Ultimate, Disciplines,Inadequate, ESL, Exploited,Memorization, Sustainable, Linguistic,Practical, Strategies, And Experiments.