Psycho spirituality of addiction involves psycho spiritual journey from lost soul to have a revolutionary ways of seeing one self and the surroundings . In the present study psycho spirituality offers cultural free message of well being and serenity through a radically different approach. Linda smith has defined spirituality through the recovery steps of awareness, honesty, surrender, acceptance, gratitude, allowing me to the free from the post.. finding balance, becoming whole… living here and now, owning responsibilities , making choices and having serenity .sycho spirituality of addiction involves psycho spiritual journey from lost soul to have a revolutionary ways of seeing one self and the surroundings . In the present study psycho spirituality offers cultural free message of well being and serenity through a radically different approach. Linda smith has defined spirituality through the recovery steps of awareness, honesty, surrender, acceptance, gratitude, allowing me to the free from the post.. finding balance, becoming whole… living here and now, owning responsibilities , making choices and having serenity .In the present study slokas from Indian scriptures - Upanishad and Bhagavad Gita were explained to addicts thrice in a week, in a reputed, residential treatment centre. In depth interview was taken- pre –post session. Changes were profound both in quantitavily and qualitatively. Inferential statistics were done, it was corroborated with the present findings. Psycho spiritual intervention recognizes a psychological and spiritual truth: To be fully human is to live in relationship.Keywords: Psycho spirituality, Addiction Psychotherapy