English language teaching enterprise has undergone remarkable change in terms of methods, approach and techniques in last few decades. The ELT experts and curriculum administrators in India have advocated that the language teacher must be a facilitator in the language classroom to create a conducive ambience for students learning. So the teacher must use the appropriate teaching materials for meeting learning objective and students learning outcomes. A teacher therefore must be techno-savvy to handle the different emerging challenges in a English language class room, what Stephen Bax calls ‘normalization’. In fact language teaching and internet and communication technology must be blended to help the students of India meet global intelligibility. The various learning technology like wikis, online resources like eslcafe.com, busyteacher.org are the lucrative sources of learning that can be implemented in language classroom for teaching the basic skills of language. This paper explores how different technical and online resources can be integrated to teach English language in Indian context. Keywords: English language teaching, Normalization, Computer assisted language learning, Internet and communication technology, language laboratory.