Foreign Direct Investment has become one of the most debatable issues of the country. Some people are for it and some against. The whole nation is serious about the issue. The government initially allowed 51% in single brand retailing and is consider...Foreign Direct Investment has become one of the most debatable issues of the country. Some people are for it and some against. The whole nation is serious about the issue. The government initially allowed 51% in single brand retailing and is considering to allow 100% in single brand retailing and 51% in multibrand retailing. There was a lot of opposition for it. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamilnadu and Bihar have vowed not to allow FDI in their respective states. A national wide Bundh was called, especially by small traders to protest against FDI. The impact of FDI on economy is both positive and negative. The FDI results in a series of advantages to the economy like reduction of inflation, better price for farmers, low price and improved quality goods to the consumers, increase in employment level, improvement in supply chain and logistics and so on. On the other hand, some politicians are of the view that FDI will result in the complete wipe out of the small traders and loss of jobs for many. Many farmers fear the loss of land ultimately to the big retailers and some want the FDI to be implemented by the Government. In this context, it is inevitable to take a detail study on the FDI issues in India. Keywords: FDI- Foreign Direct Investment, multibrand retailing, small traders, supply chain and logistics, land ultimately etc.
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