Ganga river is a major lotic type water body in Uttar Pradesh. Bijnor district is the first in UP where Ganga River enters from Uttrakhand. Present study is based on the agricultural practices near Ganga River and their impact on aquatic Fauna and flora inside the Bijnor district area. For study of aquatic biota we divided parameter into two majorgroupsi.e Physiochemical and Biotic parameter. Further Biotic parameter is divided into easily countable and planktonicbiota of the aquatic region. There are four major sites selected for sampling purpose .In the present study we focus on the biotic parameter only. The farming practices near the Ganga River are mostly based on chemicals specially Fertilizers and pesticides etc. These chemicals directly come in contact with river water and drastically change the Physiochemical properties of water and living things of the lotic ecosystem. Keywords: Lotic Ecosystem, Agricultural Practice, Chemicals, Biological Parameter