Teaching writing is not every ones cup of tea. Teachers explain different methodologies to the students of Engineering like how to write an Email, Report, Essays, Specimen expansions etc. properly. Generally students take half an hour or even more th...Teaching writing is not every ones cup of tea. Teachers explain different methodologies to the students of Engineering like how to write an Email, Report, Essays, Specimen expansions etc. properly. Generally students take half an hour or even more than that to write the assigned task. The outcome of the task is completely opposite to the anticipation of the Teacher. Students end up without producing task effectively, concretely, coherently and precisely because of their wrong syntax. The tasks the teacher usually go through to check its productivity finds the task is replete with different grammatical errors and the content lacks proper illustration etc. In turn students demand more time to write the task, stating they do not know how to illustrate their ideas with proper syntax. At this stage the teacher feels an analysis of grammatical errors and its remedial measure to minimize the grammatical error will help the students to produce the content effectively and correctly. Keywords: Syntax, Anticipation, Remedial measure, Content.
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