Employer and employee relationships had been one of inequality and exploitation throughout in the history of mankind. Marx fought all throughout his life to alleviate the sufferings of the labor class. As the society transformed into capitalist and post modern stages, the capitalist societies evolved various mechanisms to maximize their profits. The contract labor is the order of the day and the capitalist have conveniently have devised this system to put the labor without any long term and permanent commitment to regularize their services. This paper seeks to examin profile and their attitude towards the University and their morale.mployer and employee relationships had been one of inequality and exploitation throughout in the history of mankind. Marx fought all throughout his life to alleviate the sufferings of the labor class. As the society transformed into capitalist and post modern stages, the capitalist societies evolved various mechanisms to maximize their profits. The contract labor is the order of the day and the capitalist have conveniently have devised this system to put the labor without any long term and permanent commitment to regularize their services. This paper seeks to examin profile and their attitude towards the University and their morale.Keywords:Labour: Restricted category of paidContract: Hired