This article is exclusively dedicated to explore the evolution of self in the works of a Belgian author Henry Bauchau. We project the works which are closely related to his personal life. Particularly, we take into consideration the theme of exile and artistic creations in the novels of Henry Bauchau. The main plot of this article is to bring out the characteristics of those who are in the state of exile either mentally or physically. They overcome their deep sufferings and inexpressible fear through their artistic creations such as painting, sculpturing, writing songs and so on. For this study, we take few of his novels that come under aforementioned titles. Thus, based on numerous psychological approaches, we visibly project how the artistic creations serve as a source of influence in exile.his article is exclusively dedicated to explore the evolution of self in the works of a Belgian author Henry Bauchau. We project the works which are closely related to his personal life. Particularly, we take into consideration the theme of exile and artistic creations in the novels of Henry Bauchau. The main plot of this article is to bring out the characteristics of those who are in the state of exile either mentally or physically. They overcome their deep sufferings and inexpressible fear through their artistic creations such as painting, sculpturing, writing songs and so on. For this study, we take few of his novels that come under aforementioned titles. Thus, based on numerous psychological approaches, we visibly project how the artistic creations serve as a source of influence in exile.Keywords: Henry Bauchau’s novels, Exile, Quest for identity, Overcoming trauma, Artistic creations, Evolution.