The concept of work-life balance is not new. Prior to the Industrial revolution, life was divided into phases of work, rest and recreation, as the time and distribution of work rest and recreation as the timing and distribution of work was based on the day-night cycle and seasonal demands. In the competitive world, it is essential for every organization to create a right atmosphere that can help the employees to balance the family and work roles. Due to increased working hours, competition; the individuals are left with less time for themselves. Due to busy business world, the presence of doctors has become increasingly visible. As their presence is increasing they are not able to balance their work life and personal life.This produced a conflict between organizational goals for increased productivity and the employees’ goal of WLB. Many doctors struggle to balance their professional commitments with their personal lives. Doctors may find hard to maintain a work-life balance because they have to choose their specialties early in their careers. The pressure and stress of working as a doctor while trying to maintain and control of personal and professional life. The present topic reviews the work-life balance of doctors who are working in different hospitals with different age group of men and women with different family size and different specializations. The present study is about doctors personal and professional work-life balance and their skill of managing work-life balance. The study extended to organizational strategies on work-life balance and the role of Human Resource manager in work-life balance. The data had collected from doctors and the collected data was analyzed with statistical tools and interpreted. From the analysis findings are prepared and finally suggestions for better work-life balance. Keywords: Work-life balance, personal work-life balance, managing, organizational strategies, role of HRM