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TRIBAL EDUCATION AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH (Pages 41-48 ) by Mr. A. Venkata Ramesh in THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print)

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Inclusive growth is a process across all strata of society interms of benefits flowing through more employment, income and better living standards to those sections of society which have been over looked in the growth process. The XI five year plan defines inclusive growth to be “A growth process which yields broad based benefits and ensures equality of opportunity for all”. Since then the government of India has been striving to make growth faster and more inclusive. Tribals are 10.43 crores in India accounting for 8.06 percent of the population. They are relatively more backward in education and health status even when compared to the scheduled castes, the other neglected community. Inclusive growth becomes meaningful with the expansion of educational facilities to the tribal as education alone can ensure all round development of the Indian tribals. The tribal on their part are still innocent and have limitation in demanding their due share. It is high time to think seriously about tribal children, their health, education and overall growth. School statistics 2011 show that the dropout rates are relatively more among the ST boys and girls when compared to the general population. In secondary and higher levels of education both enrollment rates and dropout rates are not favourable to promote tribal education. For this study 100 respondents from two villages, Bhagyanagar Thanda and Lavudya Thanda of Singareni Mandal in Khammam District are randomly selected as sample, and to examine the Socio – Economic conditions, reasons for dropout rates and education level of the Tribal in the study area. Keywords: National Policy on Education, Scheduled Tribes, Enrolment, School dropouts, Constitutional Provisions.

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