State Museum Lucknow is the fourth oldest Museum of India established in 1863. Present study is done to provide detailed and correct information about this rich and rare avian collection and to suggest what to be done for its safeguarding. The General Accession Register, Accession Cards and Field Slips of State Museum Lucknow, was the primary source of information used for the development of documentation of avian collection of State Museum Lucknow. The avian collection of State Museum Lucknow is very rich and valuable in terms of research and display and there is only limited scope of further extension of the collection in the near future. The conservation status of avian collection of State Museum Lucknow also studied in order to provide detailed and correct information about condition and for conservation of the rich and rare avian collection preserved in State Museum Lucknow. A standardized documentation system will not only help museum staff to manage the collection but will also contribute more information to the future scientific researches.
Keywords: State Museum Lucknow, rich and rare avian collection, Accession Cards and Field Slips, standardized documentation system, scientific researches etc.