Marketing is the process of management which is responsible for the identification, anticipation, and satisfaction of customer’s requirements and needs profitably. This paper outlines the development of the domain service(s) marketing from its birth as an area of academic study to the current time. Application of a simple framework of marketing gives ability to marketers to identify which activities are effective, fruitful and in what circumstances. It identifies four phases of development. Which focuses on the development of service(s) marketing? Simply services are deeds, processes, & performances. Traditionally there was 4ps in marketing for products as well as services also that are Product Price, Place, and Promotion for better marketing of products and services marketers include three additional p’s in marketing mix framework that are People, Process & Physical evidence. In the development of marketing strategy, use of the most important formula of marketing that is “7ps formula” continuously evaluated and reevaluated business activities. The paper summarizes current scenario in this domain, which coalesces around three broad perspectives, namely, the service-dominant logic of marketing, technology and service, and transformative service research. It concludes by outlining likely trends for service marketing into the future.was 4ps in marketing for products as well as services also that are Product Price, Place, and Promotion for better marketing of products and services marketers include three additional p’s in marketing mix framework that are People, Process & Physical evidence. In the development of marketing strategy, use of the most important formula of marketing that is “7ps formula” continuously evaluated and reevaluated business activities. The paper summarizes current scenario in this domain, which coalesces around three broad perspectives, namely, the service-dominant logic of marketing, technology and service, and transformative service research. It concludes by outlining likely trends for service marketing into the future.Keywords: Marketing process, customer’s satisfaction, Physical evidence, marketing strategy, 7ps formula, evaluated and reevaluated business etc.