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RESEARCH PAPER ON DIGITALIZATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (pages 14-18) by *Naveen Raj M, **Sanjay L.A, ***Chandrashekhar P in THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print)

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The accelerated technological development has revolutionized the world and continues to impact and change the way organizations work. It puts pressure on organizations and its people to adjust to the fast-changing world and the increasing amount of digital innovations. The aim of this paper is to inspect the responsibility of technology and innovational practices in digital era. The role of technology and innovational practices in Human resource Management plays a crucial role in digital era. Nowadays, there is a great deal of competition where innovative human resource (HR) practices have become the prerequisite of the hour. There is a need to continuously develop and innovate human resource practices to stay on competitive in the industry. HRM practices can be significant towards retaining employees and their performance. At present, every business must seek to advance the quality of its workforce. To get the best human resource, an efficient and well planned strategy is required at the workplace. Hence these new systems enable organizations to reach their HR goals of attracting, motivating and retaining employees Therefore, technical advances are being made in the field of human resource with time and slowly the traditional HRM is being replaced by new and technically advanced HRM. However, this study contributes to the existing literature by elaborating the role of innovative practices and technology in the context of competitive digital environment. Further, pretty a few implications were discussed for the purpose of promoting sustainable development of digital era. Study limitations and future research directions are also discussed.

Keywords: Innovation, HRM practices, Technology, Digital HRM

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