Poised India has always sung songs of valour on the global map, so it’s notes of pre-eminence has far reached out to the ears of major global powers with Trump’s Administration describing India as being well on its way to become a leading global power. Drifting a little from the short lived and dynamically changing statements in the international sphere, The Print on 11th January 2018 published Indo-Pak among top 15 global conflicts that could worsen in 2018 through a survey conducted by CFR’s Centre for Prevention Action (CFA) asking foreign policy experts to rank 30 ongoing or potential conflicts based on their likelihood of occurring or escalating in the present times. This research paper extensively talks about the external security conflicts India faces and the shape of global dynamics in the coming decades. Nationalistic Integration of an economy can only harmonise once the internal conflicts stand disadvantageous to the diverse population India boasts about globally; the same has also been highlighted in the present paper. Research on key points such as nuclear and defence dependence issues have also been briefly mentioned so as to outline the depth of challenges ahead for our country. “The Strength of India’s soft power resides in the nations secret; Acceptance rather than Tolerance”, a perfect wordy synopsis by Senior Congress Leader, Mr. Tharoor for the influential leader of the 21st century.
Key-words: global map, global powers, changing statements, international sphere, Centre for Prevention Action (CFA), potential conflicts, security conflicts, internal conflicts etc.