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DIGITAL MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES AND IMPLICATIONS (pages 19-23) by *Mrs. Rohini Yathish, **Dr. Srikantamurthy M.R. and ***Mr. Shubham Sinha in THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER / ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print)

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Modern marketing or contemporary just began in the mid of 19th century. In the early twentieth century the marketing process advanced in three different fields they were production, sales and marketing. During the period of 1960’s companies and industries operated under the principle that the seller’s market was based on production. There was nearly no choices for various products since the company or industries managers just believed that the market would take only products that was superior and unique to itself. This was occurring in the market because the demand of the products endured supply. During this phase the firm’s success story was literally measured on the terms of production of the products. During the second stage or era of marketing which started in 1960’s was popularly known as the sales period or era. During this period the manufactured product just exceeded the demand. The firms believed that the customers would restrict themselves buying goods and services which was considered as non-essential product. To withstand or overcome this circumstance of customer’s resistance, the manufactures or sellers had to deploy creative advertisement and skilled marketing personals to sell the order or make the customers buy the product. The third model or period of marketing started up in the year 1990’s which was known as the strategic concept of marketing. During this era the focus of marketing shifted from the customers or the products that had to be purchased by the customers referred to the context of boarder external environment. There is nothing that everything is to be known about the consumers. For one to succeed in the market the manufacturers and marketers should know the consumers behaviour including the competition, their company policies, governmental policies and rules and regulations that has to be implemented, and a broader vision of economic policies, macro forces that include social and political issues that are used to shape the market and its evolution. After the evolution of international market a very new concept of market came into existence known as internet marketing or online marketing which is also known as digital marketing. Considering internet marketing as a component of electronic marketing, this can include some other components such as information management, public relations, consumer’s sales and services management, and sales and service of the product management. Electronic commerce popularly known as e-Commerce and internet marketing are the two major trends that has become very popular as and when the internet access has become more widely available and used. It is also observed that one third of the population or so called consumer’s access their products from their homes using their own internet connection.consumer’s sales and services management, and sales and service of the product management. Electronic commerce popularly known as e-Commerce and internet marketing are the two major trends that has become very popular as and when the internet access has become more widely available and used. It is also observed that one third of the population or so called consumer’s access their products from their homes using their own internet connection

.Keywords: Internet Marketing, Electronic commerce, Digital Marketing, consumers behaviour

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