S himla District lies on the south-western ranges of the Himalayas with total area of 5,131 sq. kms. It has a total number of 2,914 villages, of these 2,520 villages are inhabited and the remaining is uninhabited. In 2011, Shimla had population of 8,13,384 of which male and female were 4,24,486 and 3,88,898 respectively. Shimla District recorded increase of 17.02 percent to its population compared to 1991. Density of Shimla district for 2011 is 159 people per sq. km. Average literacy rate of district Shimla in 2011 were 84.55 as compared to 79.12 of 2001, if things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 90.73 and 77.80 respectively. With regards to Sex ratio in Shimla, it stood at 916 per 1000 male compared to national sex ratio of 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011...