The research paper tends to provide an overview of a shift in teaching English language from the behaviourist theories to the theories of communicative language teaching. It discusses the spread of information and communication technology and interne...The research paper tends to provide an overview of a shift in teaching English language from the behaviourist theories to the theories of communicative language teaching. It discusses the spread of information and communication technology and internet and its effect in language teaching. It analyses the advantages of web- based learning of language with points like motivation, individuality, social interaction, collaboration, exposure to the target language and authentic input. These are the key characteristics of an effective language learning which support language acquisition like the first language. It mainly focuses on the discussion of various web 2.0 tools and their usefulness in English language teaching. It analyses the creative use of web 2.0 tools like blogging, micro blogging (Twitter), social networking sites, YouTube and wiki for fostering language skills and making the learning interesting. The paper, on the whole, explains the significance of web 2.0 tools in teaching and learning of English language like first language acquisition by encouraging exposure to the target language, social interaction, motivation and autonomous learning. Key Words: Web 2.0 tools/ technology, web-based, network-based teaching and learning, English Language Teaching (ELT), Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
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