Zoya’s story, subtitled as An Afghan Woman’s Struggle for Freedom (2002) is a young woman’s narration of her resistance against Taliban and religious fundamentalism at the risk of her own life in Afghanistan. It is a saga of fear, pain, courage and hope and proves to be a testament of the struggle for human rights of Afghan women. The Prologue summarizes the violence and cruelty of Talibans and Mujahideen against women in Afghanistan. Zoya has come to Afghanistan- her home land after five years of exile in Pakistan. Zoya has been a witness to the devastated wars in Afghanistan and also to the murder of her parents by Muslim fundamentalists. This indelible memory has haunted her throughout her life and prompted her to become a member in the Revolutionary Association of the women of Afghanistan. The paper discusses the ill-treatment of women in Afghanistan and the women’s thirst for freedom in detail. Keywords: religious fundamentalism, women’s freedom, human rights