The spread of English as ahe spread of English as alanguage for multinationaland multiculturalcommunication utilized by anenormous number of nonnativespeakers shows thatEnglish is becoming more and more de-Anglo-Americanized in many regions of the world. Thisgenerates a new role that English can play in thecontemporary world in various fields. As a matterof fact, English has become a very importantlanguage in Asia. It is being taught as a secondlanguage. It is a working language forintranational and international communication inmany parts of the region. In much of Asia, Englishis no longer a colonial import. Throughout theregion, English is the language of education,culture, business and, above all, regionalcooperation. English-speaking Asians claimEnglish as their own language.Keywords: Assimilated Culture,unification of people, regional cooperation.