There is a debate among Narnia fans regarding one particular issue and that is in which order we should read the books. There are several reasons and most Narnia experts agree that publication order is the best. At that time he had so many good dreams about lions and he has no idea about where and why would the lion come. The first two things we learn about God or Aslan are kind of self centred. He’s going to change you and make you better. The voice of the strong happy Aslan says that he forever gives the land of Narnia to the creatures, he gives them the forests, the fruits, the rivers, the stars and he gives himself to them. The best experience of reading The Chronicles of Narnia to get this allegory of the divine to see who Aslan is you need to read it in the publication order. Keywords: Chronicles of Narnia, good dreams, God or Aslan, the creatures etc.