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TEACHING THE USE OF PRESENT TENSE TO THE LEARNERS PURSUING M.B.A. COURSE (Pages 44-51) by Ms. T. Kranthi* and Dr. Nageshwar Rao. K** in THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)

MT Updated
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Whether grammar should be taught as a part of curriculum is no more a question today. What is important is which aspect of grammar should be taught at which level (of the learners), and the methodology to be followed. The learners pursuing an ESP course in MBA,, need to possess good communication skills. While communicating orally, they tend to make mistakes with the use of verb and tense. At tertiary level, what is taught is remedial English, as more stress is laid on accuracy and fluency of the language. All the rules cannot be taught to the learners, only the usage of the language using the correct aspects of grammar are stressed. Hence, grammar can be used in contextualised situations so that the learners get an opportunity to use the language instead of concentrating on the rules of grammar. The present paper focuses on teaching the present tense in a contextualised situation by designing learner-friendly activities.hether grammar should be taught as a part of curriculum is no more a question today. What is important is which aspect of grammar should be taught at which level (of the learners), and the methodology to be followed. The learners pursuing an ESP course in MBA,, need to possess good communication skills. While communicating orally, they tend to make mistakes with the use of verb and tense. At tertiary level, what is taught is remedial English, as more stress is laid on accuracy and fluency of the language. All the rules cannot be taught to the learners, only the usage of the language using the correct aspects of grammar are stressed. Hence, grammar can be used in contextualised situations so that the learners get an opportunity to use the language instead of concentrating on the rules of grammar. The present paper focuses on teaching the present tense in a contextualised situation by designing learner-friendly activities.Keywords: methodology, communication skills, accuracy and fluency of the language, friendly activities.

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