This paper is an attempt to explore the divine love of Radha and Krishna in the backdrop of Sringara rasa. Touching upon the various primary and secondary rasas, the focus is on Sringara rasa, its two categories: Sambhog Sringara (love-in-union) and Vipralamba Sringara (love-in-separation) and how one can locate the love of Radha, Krishna and the Gopis in its broad context. Hope and despair enhance the element of love in the Sringara rasa as in the case of Radha and Gopis. The dominant emotion generated is ‘Rati’ or mutual love just as the love of Radha and Krishna. The congenial climate for love in the Sringara rasa arises from Uddipana - vibhavas such as representation of the seasons, garlands, ornaments, gardens and objects of the senses. The anubhavas such as a skillful use of the eyes, side glances, flirtatious movements and soft speech. These vibhavas and anubhavas are clearly evident in the enchanting dance of Krishna, Radha and Gopis which brings the ‘Rasa-lila’ within the ambit of Sringara rasa.his paper is an attempt to explore the divine love of Radha and Krishna in the backdrop of Sringara rasa. Touching upon the various primary and secondary rasas, the focus is on Sringara rasa, its two categories: Sambhog Sringara (love-in-union) and Vipralamba Sringara (love-in-separation) and how one can locate the love of Radha, Krishna and the Gopis in its broad context. Hope and despair enhance the element of love in the Sringara rasa as in the case of Radha and Gopis. The dominant emotion generated is ‘Rati’ or mutual love just as the love of Radha and Krishna. The congenial climate for love in the Sringara rasa arises from Uddipana - vibhavas such as representation of the seasons, garlands, ornaments, gardens and objects of the senses. The anubhavas such as a skillful use of the eyes, side glances, flirtatious movements and soft speech. These vibhavas and anubhavas are clearly evident in the enchanting dance of Krishna, Radha and Gopis which brings the ‘Rasa-lila’ within the ambit of Sringara rasa.Keywords: Rigveda, Natya Sastra, Vibhavas, Anubhavas, Rati, Sthayibhava, Vyabhicaribhavas, Memorization, Sustainable, Linguistic, Practical, Strategies, and Experiments.