Much has been written about the unusual behavior of the renowned English poet Kamala Das. Her untimely tantrums, sudden, impulsive urge to do, write or speak something have created storms in cup and have also been the cause of embarrassment to her and her family members at several times. This paper is an attempt to look into the reasons for such abrupt behavior. This study takes into consideration famous psychological theory ‘The Big Five’ to explore the subject. Deeper study is able to establish a link between personality of Ms. Das and one of the personality traits of ‘The Big Five Theory’; Histrionics. Although the study revolves largely round her poetry; but to have a complete and a detailed understanding of her personality, it also peeps into the other genres touched by her as her autobiography, prose writings, and also her paintings. Key Words: Kamal Das, Dramatic Traits, Emotional Traits, Erratic Traits, Psychology and Poetry