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LINGUISTIC FEATURES FOR TEACHING-LEARNING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN AN EFFECTIVE MANNER (Pages 74-80) by Mrs. Manonmani* and Dr. K.B. Jasmine Suthanthira Devi** in THE ENGLISH RESEARCH EXPRESS / ISSN:2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)

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Teaching-Learning English language should be most effective by following the linguistic features. Listening implies to a broad variety of structures and sounds. This will facilitate the students to listen with understanding of English later in real life situations. Language is the medium of our thoughts and feelings. Grammar is the equipment by which is set and kept in motion. Grammar is a body of experiential rules which explain and regulate the structure of the sentence. Learning skill supports to develop language perception in the corrected form. Then the brain imitates them, producing related sentences to express the desired meaning by using skimming or scanning technique to read quickly is highly effective. Language is absolutely central for learning and without it, one cannot make sense or communicate. Though not approved strictly by teachers, the connection between reading and writing is a very well accepted integrated process by educators.eaching-Learning English language should be most effective by following the linguistic features. Listening implies to a broad variety of structures and sounds. This will facilitate the students to listen with understanding of English later in real life situations. Language is the medium of our thoughts and feelings. Grammar is the equipment by which is set and kept in motion. Grammar is a body of experiential rules which explain and regulate the structure of the sentence. Learning skill supports to develop language perception in the corrected form. Then the brain imitates them, producing related sentences to express the desired meaning by using skimming or scanning technique to read quickly is highly effective. Language is absolutely central for learning and without it, one cannot make sense or communicate. Though not approved strictly by teachers, the connection between reading and writing is a very well accepted integrated process by educators.Keywords: Teaching-learning, Grammar, Linguistics, skimming or scanning, integrated process etc.

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