Amitav Ghosh plays significant as well as exclusive position in the field of post-colonial fictional and cultural production that now and then uncritically celebrates the hybzridity of post-colonial nations and migrations. Ghosh’s novels have reverberated the forms of aggression that nationality and globalization present in the home, in familial places as well as in private lives. He is completely the majority cosmopolitan and important between contemporary Indian writers. His importance has its roots in his cosmopolitanism, for he is an author who travels and re-maps the world, sketch relations across the limits of current nation states. The present dissertation is alienated keen on five chapters. The Glass Palace work word many-sided conveys an unreliable degree of reflections in conditions of the novel The Glass Palace. It introduces several characters moving across dissimilar nations through the colonial and post colonial age. Keywords: Amitavv Gosh, Glass Palace, Philosophy, Indian Literature etc.