Toni Morrison is recognized as the most distinguished African American Novelist who speaks from an African American female perspective. African American Literature is a literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent. It explor...Toni Morrison is recognized as the most distinguished African American Novelist who speaks from an African American female perspective. African American Literature is a literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent. It explores the freedom, equality and survival denied to Blacks in the United States. The identity syndrome has emerged as a major theme in Black American, African, and West Indian Literature. The emergence of women in Song of Solomon explore certain stereotypes that woman caught up in a male dominated society. It is basically a woman’s novel because a woman character dominates in the novel. The novel tells the story of the quest for cultural identity by its characters Macon Dead III, Pilate, Guitar, Hagar, Ruth, and Macon Sr. Mediate. This paper deals with the emergence of women. Keywords: emergence, dominate, survival, cultural identity, emergence of women etc.
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