The regular English classroom teaching facilitates students of L2 to read ; listen; speak and write English language. This is because of the paradigm shift in the adopted pedagogy of teaching English . It also helps them to develop interaction and collaboration. It acts as a potential platform to develop their language skills. In the classroom students listen and imitate teacher. There are several studies reporting listening, speaking, reading and writing skills can be enhanced or mastered with the help of role play. After pandemic there was drastic dropping of learning abilities of the primary school children. This study is relevant because of starting of English medium schools in T.S from 2022. The reports say the use of role play in primary school would give good results. My field work in primary school adopted certain evaluation tools to test their knowledge before starting the field work and during the field work. The study is limited in scope, the fourth class is chosen for the study. And the content is also limited. Sudden slip tests were conducted. I collected the answer scripts each time I gave them the script/ answer sheets to go through and just compare their writing. They did well in writing the names of the classmates in alphabetical order. They enjoyed watching the role play. One student was able to read the lesson by looking into the textbook without the help of the teacher. Keywords: role play, reading, evaluation, interaction, collaboration