Charles Dickens, “Oliver Twist”, is good introduction to Classic Literature for the young where down these years the novel stands as a reflection of the society which could even be compared and analysed in the contemporary times. Many reviews about the novel talks it simply as a story above an orphan boy, but beyond the this comment about the classic work of Dickens, it serves as an inspirational novel and the most important thing the novel carries with it i, being a young orphan boy – scared, alone and hungry at the outskirts of London without much achievements creates an attitude to fight in order to overcome the struggle of daily life in the minds of the reader.harles Dickens, “Oliver Twist”, is good introduction to Classic Literature for the young where down these years the novel stands as a reflection of the society which could even be compared and analysed in the contemporary times. Many reviews about the novel talks it simply as a story above an orphan boy, but beyond the this comment about the classic work of Dickens, it serves as an inspirational novel and the most important thing the novel carries with it i, being a young orphan boy – scared, alone and hungry at the outskirts of London without much achievements creates an attitude to fight in order to overcome the struggle of daily life in the minds of the reader.Keywords: Scared, Alone, Hungry, Goodness, Evil