India is second most populous country in the world and is also known to house over one – third of the world’s poor. Though India is witnessing a rapid urbanization still a very large proportion lives in rural areas. Agriculture and related activities in rural India contribute to 33% of the Gross Domestic Product, and is responsible for the employment of over 60% of the workforce.New agricultural methods incorporating the use of genetically improved seeds, double cropping and expansion of farming land brought about national self-sufficiency in grain production. Constant innovations in farming techniques continue to increase unit output, but this remarkable success has not yet fully insulated the country from the impact of drought and declining water sources. Nor has the contribution of the rural sector to the nation’s economic prosperity brought about the desired improvement in the lives of the 300 million poor who mostly live in the villages. Keywords: Employment, Poverty line, Occupation, Income and asset, Health, Food Consumption