sociology, literature and other domains of knowledge to a melting point. Directed by the new emergingsociology, literature and other domains of knowledge to a melting point. Directed by the new emergingideologies an exchange of ideas between these diverse domains of knowledge has resulted in the transformation andreframing of social imagination. Social imagination is now more comparative and collective and even more creativethan ever before as history, culture, society and literature are not perceived in isolated terms but seen in dialoguewith each other, influencing and being influenced by each other. The notion of identity is now unraveled throughthese co-existent yet distinct cultural, historical, social and literary and a host of other trends, flows and movements.This major shift in the social imagination finds its expression in comparative literature. In the later half of thetwentieth century comparative literature has made efforts to cope up with the new emerging realities, meltingtrajectories and interdisciplinary discourse. In this perspective the premise of my paper is to explore and analyzethe emergence of the dialogic nature of history and literature in the form of historiography. In the later part I havediscussed the notion of identity of Gonds of Gondawana region within this framework.
Key Words: Gonds of Kherla, Socio-cultural Environment, Historiography, Shifting Identity, etc.