Agricultural development, knowledge andAgricultural development, knowledge andinformation on farm technologies, methods andpractices need to be imparted to the farmers at theright time. Four agriculture universities are givingagriculture education, doing research and extension.Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri is alsousing various ways for dissemination of Researchand Extension activities for farmers of ten districts ofMaharashtra. Mass media (electronic and printmedia) are playing significant role in creatingawareness about new agricultural technologiesamong farmers. The potential of mass media forinfluencing knowledge gain, public attitude andbehavior has been well recognized through severalresearch studies. Along with mass media, regionallanguages play an important role in propagation ofAgricultural Technology. Language is a means ofscientists and their research to reach to the farmerthrough simple and lucid local language. Differentinformation tools like radio, television and newspapers are spreading awareness related to moderncultivation techniques, integrated farming, watermanagement and precision farming among thefarmers in local language at the faster rate. InMaharashtra regional Marathi language is used fordissemination of Agricultural Technology. Scientistsare using English language along with Marathi forteaching, research, and extension and to publishresearch work at international level. The reach of themedia is determined by the language they are using.The present paper throws light on the role of massmedia and languages in the dissemination ofagricultural technologies among the farmers.Key Words: Mass Media, AgriculturalTechnology, dissemination, development etc...