9The novel The Alchemist, written by the Brazilian lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho ,revolves around a mystical theme, Alchemy. The main aim of Alchemy is the process of discovering the philosopher’s stone and Elixir of life. The former helps in transforming lower metals like lead into gold and latter helps in curing any kind of sickness for longevity. Since Alchemy is bound with an ultimate fact that everything in the universe has its own soul, it focuses in the perfection of the soul of things; either living or non-living. For centuries, Alchemy and Literature is said to have a long standing relationship with each other, thus Literary Alchemy is a term that defines the transformations and changes that occur within the life of the protagonist as well as the readers. Santiago, the protagonist is forced to go through so much misfortune and all the valuable lessons he learn on his way helps him to achieve his dream, as a fully transformed person in both physical and spiritual level. Alchemy teaches a lesson as if something needs to happen; the person has to undergo lots of struggle as no good thing will come without a fight.
Keywords: Alchemy, transformation, soul, destiny etc.