The very objective of this article is to focus on the theory of Resistance literature or Dalit literature. This article will also highlight on the origin and history of the dalit literature. Discriminated on account of various factors, the dalits hav...The very objective of this article is to focus on the theory of Resistance literature or Dalit literature. This article will also highlight on the origin and history of the dalit literature. Discriminated on account of various factors, the dalits have started igniting fire for their survival in the so-called society against all obstacles that usually block their progress. They are victims of different structures that construct society like economic, social, political, gender based, religious and cultural. They are marginalised just because they are simple and innocent. So they suffer perpetual deprivation and face utter neglect by the centre, the ruling class. But however, this plight of dalits is not noticeable in some places because of change in people’s attitude towards dalits and in some places it is yet to change. We are nearing a consensus where the narrow divides are to stop so as to fill the gaps that exist between the centre and the margin. Long suppressed into submission and silence, the dalits have since emerged out of the shadows of centuries of subjugation and anonymity. They are inspired by the revolutionary social activists and some of them have now given a voice to their identity through a literature of their own. And this literature pertaining to the neglected mass of society is named as dalit literature. Keywords: Dalit, Resistance, Subjugation, Identity, Centre, Margin, Psyche, Revolution, Hegemony, Justice
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