Today English is a status symbol and the readers have to deal with many intricacies of the language. A sound knowledge of words is needed not only to writers but also readers. Therefore, while teaching English at various stages on school or college level, much concentration should be given to build a strong vocabulary. And this can be done through enabling learners to acknowledge as many aspects of a language as possible. Varied selection of words brought in day to day use may help us immensely. In a good dictionary we find various aspects of words with suitable examples. To improve various language skills along with vocabulary many researchers, linguists have been recommending learners to read English newspapers. And, one of the problems that the learner faces while reading English news papers is that of understanding the meaning of acronyms and short forms of words which are to be found in abundance in English Newspapers like The Times Of India. Many a times, acronyms and short forms are explained while sometimes the editor expects readers to have been knowing the meaning of acronyms.